Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in South Burlington, VT 05403
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for South Burlington VT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Al's French Fries | 802-862-9203 | 1251 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Applebee's | 802-862-2818 | Univ Mall | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Burger King Family Restaurant | 802-862-0117 | 1200 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Chicken Charlie's | 802-862-1211 | 1160 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Denny's Restaurant | 802-863-4000 | 730 Shelburne Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
East Orchid | 802-658-3626 | 5 Market St | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Franny O's | 802-863-2909 | 733 Queen City Park Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Friendly's Restaurant | 802-862-7595 | 1 Dorset St | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Friendly's Restaurant | 802-658-4219 | 1184 Shelburne Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Ground Round Restaurant | 802-862-1122 | 1633 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Holiday Inn | 802-863-6363 | 1068 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Koto Japanese Restaurant | 802-660-8976 | 792 Shelburne Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Lake View Bar & Grill The | 802-865-3900 | 1710 Shelburne Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 802-864-9322 | 1125 Shelburne Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 802-863-3543 | 1205 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant | 802-863-4907 | 1025 Shelburne Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
One Flight Up | 802-862-6410 | 1200 Airport Dr | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Pauline's Cafe & Restaurant | 802-862-1081 | 1834 Shelburne Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Rotisserie Restaurant | 802-658-1838 | 1355 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Silver Palace | 802-864-0125 | 1216 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Trader Duke's | 802-660-7523 | 1117 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Vermont Sandwich Co of Dorset St | 802-660-8872 | 15 Dorset St | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
Windjammer Restaurant & Upper Deck Pub | 802-862-6585 | 1076 Williston Rd | South Burlington | VT | 05403 |
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