Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Rutland, VT 05701
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Rutland VT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alliance Community Fellowship | 802-773-3613 | 1 Scale Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Calvary Bible Church | 802-775-0358 | 2 Meadow Ln | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Catholic Churches in the Rutland Are | 802-775-0845 | 10 Lincoln Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Catholic Churches in the Rutland Are | 802-775-3977 | Meadow | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Church at Rutland The | 802-773-8320 | 67 Dorr Dr | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
First Baptist Church Parsonage | 802-775-6130 | 3 Sharon Dr | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 802-775-5005 | 1 Church St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Fishnet Northeast | 802-747-3381 | N Grove | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Good Shepard's Little Lambs Early Lea | 802-773-9659 | 1 Hillside Rd | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Grace Congregational United | 802-775-4301 | 8 Court St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Green Mountain Baptist Church | 802-747-7712 | 50 Barrett Hill Rd | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Green Mountain Missionary Bapt | 802-775-1482 | 98 Killington Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Hall | 802-775-6721 | Gleason Rd | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Mendon United Methodist Comm Church | 802-775-3961 | 4 Newport Dr | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Messiah Lutheran Church Lcms | 802-775-0231 | 42 Woodstock Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
New Hope & Christ Fellowship | 802-773-2725 | 15 Spellman Ter | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Trinity Episcopal Church | 802-775-4368 | 85 West St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
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