Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Rutland, VT 05701
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Rutland VT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 802-747-7700 | 225 Woodstock Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Back Home Again | 802-775-9800 | 23 Center St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Bistro Cafe | 802-747-7199 | 101 Merchants Row # 103 | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Boo's Downtown Cafe | 802-773-8555 | 12 Wales St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Burger King 322 | 802-775-0295 | 2729 Main St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Centre Sport | 802-775-1911 | 476 US Route 7 S | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Clem and Company | 802-747-3340 | 51 Wales St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Cough Inc | 802-775-0267 | 195 Woodstock Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Cough Inc | 802-747-3365 | 201 Woodstock Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Friendly Ice Cream Restaurant | 802-773-6293 | S Main | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Jilly's Sports Bar | 802-775-6919 | 24 Merchants Row | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Kong Chow | 802-775-5244 | 48 Center St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Magoo's Inc | 802-773-9839 | 52 Strongs Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Midway Diner & Steakhouse | 802-775-9901 | 120 S Main St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Muckenschnabel's | 802-773-9912 | 45 Madison St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Ninety Nine Restaurant & Pub | 802-775-9288 | 165 US Route 7 S | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Office Bar & Grill | 802-775-6708 | 197 West St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Out of Bounds Sports Bar & Night Clu | 802-773-7979 | 148 State St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Palms Restaurant the & Conference Cent | 802-773-2367 | 36 Strongs Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Roxie's Snack Bar | 802-775-1872 | 175 S Main St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Royal's 121 Hearthside Restaurant | 802-775-0856 | 37 N Main St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Rutland Buffet | 802-775-4717 | 26 Merchants Row | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Rutland Restaurant | 802-775-7447 | 57 Merchants Row | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Sabby's | 802-773-4342 | 31 Center St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Three D's Cafe Inc | 802-773-0046 | 86 Strongs Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Village Snack Bar The | 802-775-2717 | 389 West St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Weathervane Seafoods | 802-773-0382 | 124 Woodstock Ave | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 802-773-1738 | 21 N Main St | Rutland | VT | 05701 |
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