Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Kennewick, WA 99337
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Kennewick WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethlehem Lutheran School & Presch | 509-582-5624 | 1409 S Garfield St | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
Christian Life Fellowship | 509-585-3668 | 220605 E Cochran Rd | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
Evening Light Tabernacle | 509-582-2269 | 40604 S Finley Rd | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
Finley First Baptist Church | 509-586-6287 | Game Farm & Finley R | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
First Baptist Church of Kennewick | 509-586-6101 | 3700 W 27th Ave | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
First Christian Church | 509-586-2101 | 1921 S Olympia St | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
Heritage School | 509-582-5608 | 1350 S Rainier St | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
Hillview Baptist Church | 509-582-4501 | 1621 W 27th Ave | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
In Step Church | 509-582-6983 | 201508 E Finley Rd | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
World Life Christian Center | 509-586-6446 | 732 W 19th Ave | Kennewick | WA | 99337 |
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