Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Kennewick, WA 99336
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Kennewick WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aging & Long Term Care | 509-735-0315 | 8412 W Gage Blvd Ste A | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
American Red Cross Benton & Frankl | 509-783-6195 | 404 N Conway St | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
Benton & Franklin County Communlc | 509-783-0997 | 401 N Young St | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
Ci Gift | 509-582-4142 | 900 S Dayton St | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
Edith Bishel Center for the Blind | 509-735-0699 | 628 N Arthur St | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
Epic Partners Mentoring | 509-374-5122 | 8927 W Tucannon Ave Ste 201 | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
Hope Home | 509-585-9272 | 124 W Kennewick Ave | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
March of Dimes | 509-783-1099 | 6515 W Clearwater Ave Ste 224 | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
Meals on Wheels | 509-735-1911 | 8656 W Gage Blvd Ste 104 | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
Rsvp Retired Senior Volunteer Progr | 509-582-0631 | 317 W Kennewick Ave | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
The Chaplaincy | 509-783-7416 | 2108 W Entiat Ave | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
Tri Cities Residential Services | 509-783-3331 | 101 N Union St | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
Volunteer Center | 509-735-6772 | 303 Columbia Ctr | Kennewick | WA | 99336 |
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