Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Child Care in Redmond, WA 98052
* Each listing below of Child Care Information for Redmond WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Avondale Manor | 425-836-9295 | 17107 NE 80th St | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Boys & Girls Clubs of King County | 425-882-4365 | 16800 NE 80th St | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Bright Horizons Family Solutions | 425-827-1022 | 520 Kirkland Way | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Community Children's Center | 425-882-0794 | 8345 166th Ave NE | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Grasslawn Children's Center | 425-881-7177 | 7355 148th Ave NE | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Hopelink | 425-869-1752 | 2576 152nd Ave NE Apt B103 | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Kindercare Learning Centers | 425-644-4686 | 2060 152nd Ave NE | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Kindercare Learning Centers | 425-869-2084 | 6534 E Lake Sammamish Pkwy | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Kindercare Learning Centers | 425-885-2377 | 15202 Redmond Way | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Little Folks Christian School | 425-885-9364 | 16601 NE 95th St | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Sammamish Montessori School | 425-883-3271 | 7655 178th Pl NE | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Small Dimensions | 425-869-0270 | 8460 160th Ave NE | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Teddy Bear Creek Learning Center | 425-883-9802 | 17950 NE Union Hill Rd | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
Ywca Family Village | 425-556-1350 | 16601 NE 80th St | Redmond | WA | 98052 |
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