Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seattle, WA 98101
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Chapel of Sts Martha & Mary | 206-343-0593 | 93 Pike St Ste 317 | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Chaplaincy International | 206-433-5505 | Sea Tac Internationa Rm Rm | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Christian Faith Center | 253-627-1312 | 210 S International | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Christian Science | 206-324-3020 | 16th & E Denny Way | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Christian Science | 206-623-4034 | 1215 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Church at the Centerpresbyter | 206-285-2282 | 425 1st W | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Consultation To Clergy | 206-623-8193 | 911 Stewart St | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Gethsemane Lutheran Church | 206-682-3620 | 9th & Stewart | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Lutheran Church Northlake | 425-486-6977 | 6620 NE 185th St | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Mental Health Chaplaincy The | 206-622-2472 | 1217 6th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Plymouth Congregational Church Ucc | 206-622-4865 | Sixth & University | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
Seattle First Baptist Church | 206-325-6051 | Harvard | Seattle | WA | 98101 |
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