Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seattle, WA 98103
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adidam | 206-527-2751 | 1429 N 45th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Bethany Community Church | 206-524-9000 | 8023 Green Lake Dr N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Bethany Community Church | 206-525-3650 | 1156 N 80th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Bethel Ethiopian Church of Seattle | 206-364-1981 | 806 N 64th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Chalice Chapel The | 206-523-2313 | 943 N 89th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Emmaus Road Crc | 206-443-3405 | 312 N 85th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ameri | 206-783-9292 | 5519 Phinney Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Fremont Community Church | 206-632-7994 | 717 N 36th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Gift of Grace Lutheran Church | 206-632-2662 | N 40th & Meridian N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Green Lake Presbyterian Church | 206-789-7320 | 6318 Linden Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Greenwood Christian Church | 206-783-5510 | 8018 Fremont Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Hope Bible Fellowship | 206-632-4060 | 4000 Whitman Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 206-632-8876 | 2214 N 56th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Keystone Congregational Church | 206-632-6021 | 5019 Keystone Pl N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Mission To Unreached Peoples | 206-781-3151 | 115 N 85th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Oak Lake Baptist Church | 206-525-6255 | 901 N 96th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Rock of Ages Lutheran Brethren Church | 206-783-4161 | 316 N 70th St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
St John United Lutheran Church Elca | 206-784-1040 | 5515 Phinney Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Wallingford Bible Fellowship | 206-632-5561 | 3701 Burke Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Wallingford Presbyterian Ch | 206-632-0263 | 1414 N 42nd St | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church | 206-782-6734 | 7109 Aurora Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98103 |
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