Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seattle, WA 98105
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Lutheran Campus Chapel | 206-634-3370 | 4130 University Way NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Center for Spiritual Living | 206-527-8801 | 5801 Sand Point Way NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Christian Science | 206-522-5755 | 1707 NE 50th St | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Christian Science | 206-632-7990 | 4101 University Way NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Church Council of Greater Seattle | 206-525-1213 | 4759 15th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 206-632-3384 | 3925 15th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Cook Ed Pastor | 206-547-4354 | 4142 Brooklyn Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Covenant House Campus Christian Minis | 206-524-7900 | 4525 19th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Greater Seattle Region Young Life | 206-523-4023 | 4750 18th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Ravenna United Methodist Churc | 206-525-7988 | 5751 33rd Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Seattle Community Church | 206-527-2232 | 4501 46th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
Stuart C Dodd Institute for Social Inno | 206-545-0547 | 4427 Thackeray Pl NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
University Christian Church | 206-522-0169 | 4731 15th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
University Christian Fellowship | 206-547-8990 | 1305 NE 45th St | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
University Presbyterian Church | 206-524-7300 | 4540 15th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98105 |
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