Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seattle, WA 98115
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor Baptist Church | 206-525-5646 | 3524 NE 95th St | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Apostolic Faith The | 206-522-1350 | 7420 9th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Bethany Lutheran | 206-523-4454 | 7400 Woodlawn Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Bethel Chinese Lutheran Church | 206-524-7631 | 6553 40th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Campton Stehr Michelle Pastor | 206-526-2900 | 6415 1st Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Church in Seattle | 206-525-9250 | 6900 Woodlawn Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Faith Lutheran Church Elca | 206-523-9636 | 8208 18th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Hope Christian Church | 206-522-5577 | 517 NE 72nd St | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Intercommunity Peace & Justice Center | 206-223-1138 | 1216 NE 65th St | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Lakeview Free Methodist Church | 206-522-1465 | 9412 15th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Messiah Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 206-524-0024 | 7050 35th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Seattle Formosan Christian Churc | 206-522-8084 | 333 NE 76th St | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Wedgwood Community Church | 206-522-5778 | 8201 30th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
Wedgwood Presbyterian Church | 206-525-8787 | 8008 35th Ave NE | Seattle | WA | 98115 |
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