Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seattle, WA 98116
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Admiral Congregational United Church O | 206-932-2928 | 4320 SW Hill St | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
Alki Congregational United Church O | 206-935-2661 | 6115 SW Hinds St | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
Calvary Chapel Westseattle | 206-935-4487 | PO Box 16699 | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
Christian Science | 206-932-6004 | 4310 SW Oregon St | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
First Lutheran Church of West Seattle | 206-935-6530 | 4105 California Ave SW | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
Good News Ministries of Seattle | 206-935-2614 | 1300 Alki Ave SW | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod | 206-937-9330 | 4456 42nd Ave SW | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
St John the Baptist Episcopal Churc | 206-937-4545 | 3050 California Ave SW | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
Tibbetts United Methodist Churc | 206-932-7777 | 3940 41st Ave SW | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
West Seattle Christian Church | 206-932-2098 | 4400 42nd Ave SW | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
West Side Presbyterian Church | 206-935-4477 | 3601 California Ave SW | Seattle | WA | 98116 |
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