Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seattle, WA 98117
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ballard First Lutheran Church | 206-784-1306 | 2006 NW 65th St | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Ballard Free Methodist Pre School | 206-784-6111 | 1460 NW 73rd St | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Calvary Lutheran Church Elca | 206-783-3930 | 7002 23rd Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Crown Hill Church | 206-789-4954 | 9257 14th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Crown Hill United Methodist Churc | 206-784-2387 | 8500 14th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Crown Lutheran Church | 206-784-1930 | 1501 NW 90th St | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Evangelical Chinese Church | 206-789-6380 | 651 NW 81st St | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Family Center of Seattle | 206-782-4883 | 7000 26th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Finnish Lutheran Church | 206-789-0864 | 8504 13th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 206-783-8699 | 7750 21st Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Northwest Christian Church | 206-784-4690 | 7503 18th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church | 206-783-7900 | 2400 NW 85th St | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Philadelphia Church | 206-782-0588 | 7704 24th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
Seattle Bible College | 206-784-1888 | 2363 NW 80th St | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
St Paul's United Church of Christ | 206-783-6733 | 6512 12th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98117 |
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