Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seattle, WA 98118
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints' Episcopal Church | 206-721-0285 | 5150 S Cloverdale Pl | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Armstrong Tracey Pastor | 206-722-5757 | 4200 S Othello St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 206-722-5651 | 3818 S Angeline St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Blessed Assurance Ministries | 206-723-3002 | 8819 Renton Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Church of Christ Iglesia Ni Cris | 206-723-0346 | 6020 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Church of Christ Southside | 206-725-2780 | 3518 S Edmunds St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Columbia Lakewood Community Churc | 206-723-9272 | 5005 S Ferdinand St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Damascus Baptist Church | 206-725-9310 | 5237 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Dunlap Baptist Church | 206-723-2676 | 8445 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Emerald City Outreach Ministries | 206-722-2052 | 7728 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Findlay Street Christian Churc | 206-725-5067 | 4620 S Findlay St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
First A M E Child and Family Ctr | 206-322-0354 | 4436 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Good Shepherd Non Denomination | 206-723-8778 | 4831 S Garden St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Grace Apolostic Temple | 206-723-5433 | 6718 Martin Luther King J | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Greater Glory | 206-760-3456 | 6419 Martin Luther King J | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Greater Mount Moriah Missionary Bapt | 206-721-3203 | 4055 38th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Greater New Bethel Missionary Bapt | 206-725-0490 | 5279 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Holly Park Community Church | 206-725-5530 | 4308 S Othello St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
In Time Ministries Fellowship | 206-722-1236 | 4504 S Orcas St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Jubilee Christian Center | 206-722-4883 | 4704 S Mead St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Mission Baptist Church | 206-721-3150 | 3902 S Ferdinand St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Mt Pleasant Baptist Church | 206-722-6521 | 9509 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Paradise Baptist Church | 206-723-0888 | 4353 S Henderson St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Rainer Ave Free Methodist Churc | 206-723-7451 | 5900 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Rainer Beach United Methodist Churc | 206-723-9700 | 5500 S Roxbury St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Rainier Beach Presbyterian Ch | 206-722-8170 | 9656 Waters Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Rose of Sharon Pentecostal Tem | 206-722-4920 | 4103 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Rosehill Missionary Baptist Church | 206-721-0426 | 7550 Mrtn Lthr Kng Jr Way # J | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Samoan Congregation Christian Churc | 206-723-3177 | 3714 S Holly St | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
St Paul Missionary Baptist Church | 206-722-5487 | 9285 57th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Star Bethel Missionary Baptist Church | 206-725-0827 | 5922 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Survival Church of God in Christ | 206-725-9366 | 8459 50th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
Vietnamase Presbyterian Good News Churc | 206-725-5585 | 6721 51st Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98118 |
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