Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seattle, WA 98133
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Lutheran Church | 206-542-2555 | 19555 Fremont Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Aurora Church of the Nazarene | 206-542-2111 | 1900 N 175th St | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Bethel Presbyterian Church | 206-362-3600 | 11002 Greenwood Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Broadview Community United Church O | 206-363-8060 | 325 N 125th St | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Catholic Charismatic Renewal | 206-364-2272 | 936 N 143rd St | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Christian Church of Universal Peace | 206-362-4134 | Northgate | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 206-367-4696 | 102 N 132nd St | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Columbia Baptist Conference | 206-365-9890 | 925 N 130th St | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Grace Lutheran Church Wisconsin Ev Lu | 206-363-8551 | 11051 Phinney Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Haller Lake Baptist Church | 206-364-1811 | 14054 Wallingford Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Korean First Christian Church | 206-542-1278 | 1306 N 175th St Ste 106 | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Korean Zion Presbyterian Ch | 206-363-5041 | 17920 Meridian Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Luther Memorial Church | 206-364-2510 | 13047 Greenwood Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
North Seattle Alliance Church | 206-363-7570 | 2150 N 122nd St | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Northgate Baptist Church With Chr | 206-525-5699 | 10510 Stone Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Richmond Highlands Baptist Church | 206-546-3550 | 19350 Firlands Way N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Ronald United Methodist Church | 206-542-2484 | 17839 Aurora Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Seattle Church Assembly | 206-781-8788 | 355 N 104th St | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Shoreline Covenant Pre School | 206-542-1050 | 1330 N 185th St | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
St Nectarios American Orthodox Cathed | 206-522-4471 | 10300 Ashworth Ave N | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church | 206-363-3500 | 1315 N 160th St | Seattle | WA | 98133 |
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