Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Seattle, WA 98144
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Baptist Church | 206-329-3888 | 1445 S Main St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Beacon Hill First Baptist Church | 206-324-3350 | 1607 S Forest St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Beacon Lutheran Church | 206-322-0251 | 1720 S Forest St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Berean Church of God in Christ | 206-725-0745 | 3417 Rainier Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Bethany Church of Christ Holiness | 206-323-3355 | 2417 S King St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Bethany Temple Church | 206-328-1816 | 1122 26th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Bible Study Outreach Ministries | 206-721-0307 | 3001 21st Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Blaine Memorial United Methodist Churc | 206-723-1536 | 3001 24th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Convocation A Church & Ministry | 206-323-4653 | 2007 33rd Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Fellowship The | 206-441-4848 | 1504 13th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 206-329-4674 | 722 30th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Greater Mount Baker Baptist Church | 206-325-8335 | 2425 S Jackson St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Holgate St Church of Christ | 206-324-5530 | 2600 S Holgate St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Japanese Congregational Church | 206-325-4566 | 305 17th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Our Lady of Mt Virgin Church | 206-324-8521 | 1531 Bradner Pl S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Seattle Koyasan Church | 206-325-8811 | 1518 S Washington St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church | 206-322-4126 | 715 23rd Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
St Clement's Episcopal Church | 206-324-3072 | 1501 32nd Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
St Gebirel Church Ethiopians | 206-322-3268 | 949 Mrtn Lthr Kng Jr Way # J | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
St Mary's Church | 206-324-7100 | 611 20th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
St Mary's Church | 206-325-3372 | 2021 S Weller St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
St Matthew Missionary Baptist Church | 206-860-3166 | 3011 S Jackson St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Sunlight Missionary Baptist Church | 206-322-9686 | 711 29th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church | 206-329-9794 | 2801 S Jackson St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
To God Be the Glory A Place of Worshi | 206-723-6262 | 2700 S Hanford St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Turning Point Community Church of God & | 206-709-0713 | 740 25th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
United House of Prayer | 206-723-6228 | 2801 S Walden St | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
Walker Chapel A M E Church | 206-325-8468 | 800 28th Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98144 |
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