Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Seattle, WA 98107
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aoyama David MD | 206-784-0940 | 1801 NW Market St Ste 309 | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Ballard Eye Physicians | 206-783-3828 | 5345 Tallman Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Ballard Foot Clinic | 206-784-2670 | 5407 17th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Ballard Orthopedic & Fracture Clinic | 206-784-8833 | 1801 NW Market St Ste 403 | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Ballard Recovery Services | 206-784-8600 | 5715 20th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Ballo James L MD | 206-783-6994 | 1801 NW Market St Ste 208 | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Bernstein Cosmetic Surgery Clinic | 206-789-1177 | 1801 NW Market St Ste 107 | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Blahous Edward G Jr Dpm | 206-782-3383 | 1551 NW 54th St | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Calabria Jack Do | 206-782-9530 | 5410 Barnes Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Carroll Brant F MD | 206-784-3350 | 5300 17th Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Chinn Jonathan MD | 206-789-1828 | 1551 NW 54th St Ste 101 | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Diagnostic Radiology Consultants Inc | 206-789-5583 | 1770 NW 58th St | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Family Childbirth Center at Swedi | 206-781-6344 | 5300 Tallman Ave NW | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Kerch Lotchie Marie | 206-782-7300 | 1764 NW 56th St | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Lischner David MD | 206-633-4544 | 126 NW Canal St | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Swedish Medical Center | 206-320-3335 | 2208 NW Market St Ste 410 | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Torelli Peter R MD | 206-782-4450 | 1801 NW Market St Ste 302 | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
Wilke Christian P MD | 206-782-7441 | 1801 NW Market St Ste 301 | Seattle | WA | 98107 |
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