Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Seattle, WA 98121
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anthony's Pier 66 & Bell Street Din | 206-448-6688 | 2201 Alaskan Way | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Assaggio Ristorante | 206-441-1399 | 2010 4th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Bada Lounge | 206-374-8717 | 2230 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Black Bottle | 206-441-1500 | 2600 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Blu | 206-269-6699 | 2226 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Bluwater Bistro | 206-728-2000 | 2322 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Brasa | 206-728-4220 | 2107 3rd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Cafe Casbah | 206-728-1771 | 2219 2nd Ave Ste B | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Cascadia Restaurant | 206-448-8884 | 2328 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Cj's Restaurant | 206-728-1648 | 2619 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Crocodile Cafe | 206-448-2114 | 2200 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Cyclops | 206-441-1677 | 2421 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Dahlia Lounge | 206-682-4142 | 2030 5th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
El Gaucho | 503-227-8794 | | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
El Gaucho | 206-728-1337 | 2505 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Elbasha Cafe | 206-448-6650 | 2420 Western Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
En | 206-770-0250 | 2429 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Etta's Seafood | 206-443-6000 | 2020 Western Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Fish Club | 206-256-1040 | 2100 Alaskan Way | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Five Point Cafe | 206-448-9993 | 415 Cedar St | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Flying Fish | 206-728-8595 | 2234 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Frankfurter The | 206-728-7243 | 313 Harrison | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Frontier Room | 206-956-7427 | 2203 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Golden Singha Thai Cuisine | 206-728-1532 | 425 Cedar St | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Hurricane Cafe The | 206-682-5858 | 2230 7th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Jai Thai | 206-770-7884 | 2132 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
La Fontana Ristorante | 206-441-1045 | 120 Blanchard St | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Lampreia Restaurant | 206-443-3301 | 2400 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Lancer The | 206-728-4240 | Denny Bg | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Lava Lounge | 206-441-5660 | 2226 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Lola | 206-441-1430 | 2000 4th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Mama's Mexican Kitchen | 206-728-6262 | 2234 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Marco's Supperclub | 206-441-7801 | 2510 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Margaux Restaurant | 206-777-1990 | 401 Lenora St | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Marrakesh Moroccan Restaurant of S | 206-956-0500 | 2334 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 206-374-9596 | 6th & Virginia | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Mira Restaurant & Bar | 206-448-8833 | 2800 1st Ave Bsmt | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Mistral Restaurant | 206-770-7799 | 113 Blanchard St | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Mom's Teriyaki | 206-728-4063 | 2230 3rd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Nara Grill | 206-727-2225 | 2027 5th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Noodle Ranch | 206-728-0463 | 2228 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Ohana's | 206-956-9329 | 2207 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Queen City Grill | 206-443-0975 | 2201 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Restaurant Zoe | 206-256-2060 | 2137 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Rippe's | 206-267-0236 | 2801 Alaskan Way Pier 70 | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Saito Japanese Cafe & Bar | 206-728-1333 | 2120 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Shilla Restaurant | 206-623-9996 | 2300 8th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Shiro's | 206-443-9844 | 2401 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Spaghetti Factory the Old | 206-441-7724 | 2801 Elliott Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Subway | 206-728-4814 | 2423 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Subway | 206-441-4205 | 305 Lenora St | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Subway | 206-728-6228 | 2822 Western Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Sushi Kyo | 206-441-5188 | 2801 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Taco Del Mar | 206-448-8877 | 2136 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Teatro Zinzanni Dinner and Dreams Box | 206-802-0015 | 2301 6th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Tia Lou's | 206-733-8226 | 2218 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Torero's Belltown | 206-441-7914 | 2313 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Tulas Restaurant & Jazz Club | 206-443-4221 | 2214 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Two Bells Bar & Grill | 206-441-3050 | 2313 4th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Wasabi Bistro | 206-441-6044 | 2311 2nd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Wild Fish Japanese Restaurant | 206-441-4348 | 2904 1st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
Zeer Inc | 206-587-4717 | 2002 Fairview Ave | Seattle | WA | 98121 |
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