Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Seattle, WA 98122
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Seattle WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
23D & Cherry Fellowship Hall | 206-325-4388 | 2701 E Cherry St | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Black Child Development Institute | 206-860-4048 | 105 14th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Black Dollar Task Force | 206-323-0534 | 116 21st Ave | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Casey Family Program | 206-322-6711 | 1123 23rd Ave | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Childhaven | 206-464-3923 | 316 Broadway | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Children's Alliance The | 206-324-0340 | 2017 E Spruce St | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Entre Hermanos | 206-322-7700 | 1505 Broadway | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Eritrean Community in Seattle | 206-323-6627 | 2402 E Spruce St | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Ethical Leadership Center for The | 206-328-3020 | 1401 E Jefferson St | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Ethiopian Community Mutual Associat | 206-325-0304 | 2111 E Union St | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Filipino American National Histor | 206-322-0203 | 810 18th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Interaction Transition | 206-324-3932 | 935 16th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Lifelong Aids Alliance | 206-328-8979 | 1002 E Seneca St | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
N A A C P | 206-324-6600 | 105 14th Ave Ste C | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Saint Francis House | 206-621-0945 | 169 12th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Seattle Emergency Housing Service | 206-461-3660 | 1025 E Fir St | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Seattle's Union Gospel Mission | 206-322-6801 | 1808 18th Ave | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Spruce Street Inn | 206-587-0992 | 1102 E Spruce St | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
Twin Bridges | 206-860-3706 | 1727 Belmont Ave | Seattle | WA | 98122 |
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