Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lakewood, WA 98499
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lakewood WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bell Chapel | 253-588-4145 | 4606 108th St SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Bible Baptist Church of Tacoma | 253-984-0691 | 3403 92nd St S | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Christian Science Churches | 253-588-3714 | 9125 Gravelly Lake Dr SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Church at Lakewood | 253-473-2822 | 7912 Lakewood Dr W | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
First Baptist Church of Lakewood | 253-582-1000 | 5602 112th St SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Full Gospel Tacoma 1st Church | 253-581-4113 | 3119 96th St S | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Fullgospel Church | 253-582-5958 | 2511 88th St S | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Iglesia Ni Cristo | 253-584-4285 | 4215 108th St SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Lakewood Church of the Nazarene | 253-588-0808 | 9308 Meadow Rd SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Lakewood Mission Baptist Church | 253-512-1111 | 12212 Pacific Hwy SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Lakewood United Methodist Churc | 253-588-2118 | 6900 Steilacoom Blvd SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Little Church on the Prairie | 253-588-6631 | 6310 Motor Ave SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Mount Tahoma Baptist Church | 253-472-7074 | 5220 74th St W | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church | 253-584-2565 | 10333 Bridgeport Way SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
St Johns Lutheran Church Elca | 253-588-2886 | 8602 Bridgeport Way SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
St Mary's Episcopal Church | 253-588-6621 | 10630 Gravelly Lake Dr SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Tacoma Joong Ang Presbyterian Ch | 253-589-8900 | 8001 Pine St S | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Tacoma Korean Baptist Church | 253-581-7569 | 8826 John Dower Rd SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Trinity Baptist Church of Lakewood Sbc | 253-584-8856 | 8421 Meadow Rd SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Victory Christian Ministries | 253-581-6373 | 4102 110th St SW Ste G | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
Washington Presbyterian Church | 253-582-1087 | 11001 47th Ave SW | Lakewood | WA | 98499 |
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