Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Puyallup, WA 98371
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Puyallup WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Christian Science Reading Room | 253-845-0990 | 107 W Meeker | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Church of Christ | 253-845-6312 | 402 5th St SW | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 253-841-3018 | 12407 Military Rd E | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Citygate Church | 253-848-1422 | 114 4th Ave NW | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Community of Christ | 253-845-5560 | 503 2nd St SW | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Edgewood Community Church | 253-927-2767 | 1720 Meridian Ave E | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
First Baptist Church | 253-845-5277 | 1219 15th St NW | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Frank Mel Rev | 253-848-9373 | 1318 9th Ave NW | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church & Presch | 253-848-4548 | 720 W Main | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Pioneer Valley Baptist Church | 253-445-9757 | Eustist Hunt Rd | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Puyallup Evangelical Church | 253-840-8289 | S Hill Park Dr | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Puyallup United Methodist Churc | 253-845-0547 | 1919 W Pioneer | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Shepherd of the Hill Presbyterian Ch | 253-848-4357 | 8401 112th E | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Trinity Christian Church | 253-927-2225 | 9720 18th Street Ct E | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
Unity Church in Edgewood | 253-446-1000 | 2908 Meridian Ave E | Puyallup | WA | 98371 |
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