Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Tacoma, WA 98405
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Tacoma WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Breast Cancer Resource Center | 253-752-4222 | 3502 S 12th St | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Catholic Community Services | 253-383-3697 | 1323 Yakima Ave | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Centro Latino Ser Job for Progress | 253-572-7717 | 1208 S 10th St | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Guadalupe House Tacoma Catholic Worker | 253-572-6582 | 1417 S G St | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Hope Guest Home | 253-627-3620 | 915 S 7th St | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Martin Luther King Housing Develop | 253-383-1585 | 1023 Martin Luther King J | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Progress House Association | 253-627-0246 | 1119 Altheimer St | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Salvation Army The | 253-572-8452 | 1501 6th Ave | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Salvation Army The | 253-627-3962 | 1521 6th Ave | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Senior Outreach Services | 253-593-2111 | 1106 Martin Luther King J | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Shared Housing Services | 253-272-1532 | 909 S 11th St Ste A | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Sylvester House | 253-274-1895 | 601 Martin Luther King J | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Tacoma City Association of Colored Wome | 253-627-9777 | 2316 Yakima Ave | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Tacoma Community House | 206-682-9112 | 1314 S L St | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Tacoma Rescue Mission | 253-272-1974 | 609 S 15th St | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
Tacoma School District No 10 | 253-597-7306 | 2550 Yakima Ave | Tacoma | WA | 98405 |
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