Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Lynnwood, WA 98037
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Lynnwood WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Antioch Bible Fellowship | 425-775-2779 | 6328 180th St SW | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Christ the Rock Fellowship | 425-745-4535 | 16707 13th Ave W | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Community Bible Fellowship | 425-745-4328 | 5823 176th St SW | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Filipino American Christian Fello | 425-774-4521 | 4521 188th St SW | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
First Baptist Church of Martha Lake | 425-743-0771 | 17319 Larch Way | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Grace Baptist Church | 425-743-9520 | 17123 13th Ave W | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Heritage Baptist Church | 425-774-1275 | 17931 64th Ave W | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Korean Emmanuel Church | 425-742-9696 | 17730 36th Ave W | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Lighthouse The | 425-775-3696 | 6519 188th St SW | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Living Hope Community Church | 425-743-9111 | 16620 Ash Way | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Lynnwood Evangelical Free Church | 425-743-0316 | 5300 168th St SW | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Lynnwood Orthodox Presbyterian Ch | 425-743-9157 | 17711 Spruce Way | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Maple Park Lutheran Brethren Church | 425-743-2288 | 17620 60th Ave W | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
Meadowdale Baptist Church | 425-745-6464 | 4900 168th St SW | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
The Crossroad Assembly of God | 425-774-7741 | 18527 60th Ave W | Lynnwood | WA | 98037 |
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