Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Spokane, WA 99201
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Spokane WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Lc Ms | 509-747-6806 | 43rd & Conklin | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Central United Methodist Churc | 509-838-1431 | 518 W 3rd Ave | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Christ the Redeemer | 509-328-8700 | 900 N Maple St | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Christian Science Churches | 509-624-1637 | 609 W Spokane Falls Blvd | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 509-443-6892 | 4444 E 43rd Ave | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Divine Healing Institute of Sp | 509-324-1706 | 824 W Sharpe | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church | 509-326-1252 | W1926 Chelan Ave | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Episcopal Church of the Resurrection | 509-926-6450 | 15319 E 8th Ave | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Greenacres Baptist Church | 509-926-8885 | 18620 E Sprague | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Living Truth Tabernacle | 509-487-6264 | 1025 N Cannon St | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Pilgriam Salvic Baptist Church | 509-747-6460 | 212 S Lincoln St | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Salem Lutheran Church Elca | 509-328-6280 | 1428 W Broadway Ave | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Shiloh Hills Fellowship | 509-467-9380 | 207 E Lincoln Rd | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
St John's Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 509-747-0984 | 2 W 3rd Ave | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
St Luke Lutheran Church Elca | 509-467-5256 | Division St | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 509-328-5002 | 2705 W Boone Ave | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
Youth for Christ | 509-252-3366 | 124 S Wall St | Spokane | WA | 99201 |
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