Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Spokane, WA 99202
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Spokane WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bethany Presbyterian Church | 509-534-0066 | 301 S Freya St | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Bethel Ame Church | 509-534-3007 | 645 S Richard Allen Ct | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 509-747-8793 | 203 E 3rd Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Centenary United Methodist Churc | 509-534-0881 | 1012 S Freya St | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Christian Science Churches | 509-624-1637 | 310 E 14th Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Church of Christ South Side | 509-534-1821 | 1225 E Newark Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Destiny Church | 509-443-8677 | 4249 E Pratt Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
East Area Preschool | 509-534-2151 | 1827 E Pacific Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Healing Rooms Ministries | 509-456-0517 | 112 E 1st Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Highland Park United Methodist Churc | 509-535-2687 | 611 S Garfield St | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Jesus Is the Answer | 509-536-4803 | 1803 E Desmet Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Korean Presbyterian Church of Spoka | 509-534-5298 | 1727 E Pacific Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Mending Fences Fellowship | 509-489-5155 | 2024 E Boone Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Mission Community Presbyterian Ch | 509-534-4502 | 2103 E Mission Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Morning Star Baptist Church | 509-534-4878 | 1829 E Mallon Ave | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
New Community Church | 509-483-6500 | 1003 E Trent Ave Ste 160 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 509-535-1336 | 409 S Greene St | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
Religious Science International | 509-624-7000 | 901 E 2nd Ave Ste 301 | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
St Matthews Institutional B | 509-535-6926 | 630 S Arthur St | Spokane | WA | 99202 |
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