Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Spokane, WA 99208
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Spokane WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 509-484-3756 | 808 E Sitka Ave | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Covenant United Methodist Churc | 509-466-1768 | 15515 N Gleneden Dr | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Fairwood Community Baptist Church | 509-466-4019 | 1515 E Farwell Rd | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Five Mile Community Church | 509-466-3555 | 1915 W Johansen Rd | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church Lcms | 509-483-4218 | 7307 N Nevada St | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Indian Trail Community Church | 509-468-8765 | 9010 N Indian Trail Rd | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Islamic Center of Spokane | 509-482-2608 | 505 E Wedgewood Ave | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
New Horizons Community Church | 509-327-6433 | 6525 N Monroe St | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
North Addison Baptist Church | 509-487-6757 | 6120 N Addison St | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Prince of Peace Christian Presc | 509-465-0779 | 8441 N Indian Trail Rd | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Scherschel Douglas Rev | 509-326-3766 | 6905 N Country Homes Blvd | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Spokane Bible Church | 509-467-9206 | 9419 N Five Mile Rd | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Trinity Baptist Church | 509-328-4660 | 6528 N Monroe St | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
Westgate Christian Church | 509-327-6337 | 7111 N Nine Mile Rd | Spokane | WA | 99208 |
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