Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Spokane Valley, WA 99206
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Spokane Valley WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Bible Church The | 509-924-8832 | 10910 E Boone Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Bible Baptist Church | 509-928-1298 | 11111 E 16th Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Christ Our Hope Bible Church | 509-893-8644 | 9211 E Mission Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Church of Christ Valley | 509-928-4084 | 17221 E Broadway Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 509-926-3172 | 13608 E 40th Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 509-928-2534 | 200 N Mullan Rd Ste 220 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Eagle Summit Ministry | 509-928-8643 | 2610 N Pines Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Eastpoint Foursquare Church | 509-533-6800 | 15303 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Gethsemane Lutheran Church Clc | 509-926-3317 | 11315 E Broadway Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Gideon's International | 509-921-6665 | 910 S Herald Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church | 509-926-8611 | 810 S Sullivan Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Greenacres Christian Church | 509-926-2461 | 18010 E Mission Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Lca | 509-926-7966 | 2511 S Pines Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Hope Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 509-924-1630 | 17909 E Broadway Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Jehovah's Witnesses Spokane Wa | 509-924-4124 | 1802 N Raymond Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Opportunity Christian Fellowship | 509-926-2673 | 1313 S Pines Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Opportunity Presbyterian Ch | 509-924-9750 | 202 N Pines Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Pacific NW Conference United Church O | 509-228-9323 | 611 N Progress Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Redeemer Lutheran Church | 509-926-6363 | 3606 S Schafer Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Sikh Temple of Spokane Inc | 509-892-3799 | 1420 N Barker Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Spokane Valley United Methodist Churc | 509-924-7262 | 115 N Raymond Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Trust in God Ministry | 509-922-1865 | 2400 N Wilbur Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship Spok | 509-891-7975 | 11530 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99206 |
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