Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Dentists in Spokane Valley, WA 99216
* Each listing below of Dentists Information for Spokane Valley WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ada American Dental Assocation | 509-928-6464 | 12509 E Mission Ave # 209 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Bourekis & Psomas Dds | 509-924-4411 | 12409 E Mission Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Daehlin Steven R | 509-922-2353 | 12805 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Damon & Magnuson & Orthodontics Ps | 509-924-9860 | 12406 E Mission Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Drs Higuchi & Skinner P S | 509-928-3600 | 12509 E Mission Ave Ste 101 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Ellingsen Michelle A Dds Msd Ps | 509-921-5666 | 1005 N Evergreen Rd Ste 010 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Enzler Jay Dds | 509-891-9011 | 420 N Evergreen Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Harken Bradley J Dds | 509-924-7600 | 13314 E Nora Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Hood & Associates | 509-928-4191 | 1005 N Evergreen Rd Ste 202 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Inland Northwest Orthodontics | 509-921-1700 | 12615 E Mission Ave Ste 110 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
James P O'connell Dds | 509-928-3131 | 12706 E Mission Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Love Ryan R Dds Ps | 509-928-2525 | 13903 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Nygaard Lauralee Ms Dds | 509-927-3272 | 1005 N Evergreen Rd Ste 102 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Ruemping Dale Msd | 509-926-1234 | 12615 E Mission Ave Ste 312 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Weiand & Weiand Dds Ps | 509-926-1589 | 1414 N Vercler Rd Ste 6 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Weishaar Sue Dds | 509-922-3333 | 1005 N Evergreen Rd Ste 101 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
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