Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Spokane Valley, WA 99216
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Spokane Valley WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Roast Beef Restaurants | 509-927-9785 | 15327 E Indiana Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Bolo's Bar & Grill | 509-891-8995 | 116 S Best Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Bostons Gourmet Pizzathe | 509-927-4284 | 14004 E Indiana Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Bottoms Up Bar & Grill | 509-892-1778 | 13921 E Trent Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Burger King | 509-928-5356 | 12601 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Cinnabon Bakery | 509-926-2578 | 14700 E Indiana Ave Spc 2006 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Conley's Place Restaurant & Pi | 509-924-5411 | 12618 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Grinders | 509-926-6035 | 14505 E Trent Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Ihop | 509-927-2888 | 14706 E Indiana Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 509-892-4075 | 3530 N Sullivan Rd | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Orange Julius | 509-927-4138 | 14700 E Indiana Ave Spc 2024 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Outback Steakhouse | 509-892-6700 | 14746 E Indiana Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Rancho Viejo Bienvenidos | 509-927-8428 | 14201 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Red Robin America's Gourmet Burgers | 509-921-1634 | 14736 E Indiana Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Ron's Drive-In | 509-924-4660 | 12502 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Skippers 5364 | 509-893-1881 | 13920 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Subway | 509-924-1331 | 12801 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Taco Time | 509-893-1553 | 14700 E Indiana Ave Spc 2022 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Tgi Fridays | 509-922-6604 | 14728 E Indiana Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Thai Bamboo Restaurant | 509-444-8424 | 12722 E Sprague Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Tony Roma's | 509-892-6944 | 14742 E Indiana Ave | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
Wendy's | 509-893-1004 | 14700 E Indiana Ave Spc 2014 | Spokane Valley | WA | 99216 |
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