Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Bellingham, WA 98225
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Bellingham WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assumption Church | 360-733-1380 | 2116 Cornwall Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Bellingham Baptist Church | 360-671-8697 | 2051 Orleans St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Bellingham Gospel Center | 360-676-1357 | 2818 McLeod Rd | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Central Lutheran Church Elca | 360-734-7180 | 925 N Forest St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Childcare International | 360-647-2283 | 715 W Orchard Dr Ste 7 | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Chinese Christian Church of Belli | 360-734-6707 | 2200 F St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 360-733-6070 | 118 Grand Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Church of Scientology | 360-715-8803 | 722 N State St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Community Bible Fellowship | 360-738-1883 | 2826 Birchwood Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Eckankar | 360-366-3447 | Fairhaven Library | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
First Baptist Church | 360-734-4500 | 110 Flora St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
First Congregational Church Ucc | 360-734-3720 | 2401 Cornwall Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
First Presbyterian Church | 360-734-5510 | 1031 N Garden St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Fountain Community Church | 360-734-9003 | 2100 Broadway | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Garden Street United Methodist Churc | 360-733-7440 | 1326 N Garden St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Hope in Christ Church | 360-733-6177 | 710 E Sunset Dr | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Immanuel Bible Church | 360-733-0672 | 2000 W North St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Kidstown International | 360-647-2470 | 119 N Commercial St Ste 165 | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Light & Life Christian Fellowship | 360-734-3837 | 3800 Dana St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Northwest Baptist Church | 360-733-3620 | 3545 Northwest Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Elca | 360-733-6749 | 1720 Harris Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Shalom Center | 360-733-3400 | 102 Highland Dr | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Slavic Baptist Church | 360-756-8338 | 1413 Broadway | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
St James Presbyterian Church | 360-733-1325 | 910 14th St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
St John's Lutheran Church Elca | 360-733-4190 | 2530 Cornwall Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Trinity Lutheran Church & Preschool | 360-734-2770 | 119 Texas St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
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