Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Ferndale, WA 98248
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Ferndale WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bob's Burgers & Brew | 360-384-1766 | 1781 Main St | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Cedar's Restaurant & Lounge | 360-384-2847 | 2019 Main St | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Cicchittis Pizzeria | 360-312-8534 | 5627 3rd Ave | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Denny's | 360-380-3922 | 5720 Barrett Rd | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Ferndale Dairy Queen | 360-384-1312 | 5631 Riverside Dr | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Grant's Drive in | 360-384-1203 | 1861 Main St | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Kowloon Inn | 360-384-4600 | 5625 3rd | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Las Casuelas Mexican Grill | 360-312-1383 | 2012 Main St | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Los Chinelos Mexican | 360-383-0277 | 2034 Main St | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Madison's Restaurant & Lounge | 360-312-8975 | 6104 Portal Way | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Main Street Bar & Grill | 360-312-9162 | 2005 Main St | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
McDonald's | 360-380-5727 | 1688 Main St | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Murdock's | 360-380-4622 | 5611 Third St | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Poor Siamese Cafe Thai Cusine | 360-312-9433 | 5687 3rd Ave | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
Subway Ferndale | 360-380-1599 | 2020 Main St | Ferndale | WA | 98248 |
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