Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Bellingham, WA 98225
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Bellingham WA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Red Cross | 360-733-3290 | 2111 King St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Arc of Washington State | 360-671-3344 | 1111 Cornwall Ave Ste 205 | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Arc of Whatcom County | 360-715-0170 | 1111 Cornwall Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nort | 360-671-6400 | 1405 N Forest St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Blue Skies for Children | 360-756-6710 | 13 Prospect St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Brigid Collins House | 360-734-4616 | 1231 N Garden St Ste 200 | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Cascade Vocational Services | 360-647-9087 | 1611 N State St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Evergreen Aids Foundation | 360-671-0703 | 1509 Cornwall Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Health Support Center | 360-733-6714 | 1212 Indian St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Kulshan Community Land Trust | 360-671-5600 | 215 W Holly St Ste H22 | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Retired and Senior Volunteer Progr | 360-734-3055 | 411 York St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Salvation Army | 360-733-1350 | 1515 Birchwood Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Salvation Army | 360-733-1410 | 2912 Northwest Ave | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Senior Services | 360-733-4030 | 315 Halleck St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
Ywca | 360-734-4820 | 1026 N Forest St | Bellingham | WA | 98225 |
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