Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Madison, WI 53704
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Madison WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bashford Prayer Phone | 608-249-8788 | 329 North St | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Christ Church | 608-240-1555 | 1711 Thierer Rd | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Eastside Ev Lutheran Church | 608-244-3045 | 2310 Independence Ln | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Holycross Lutheran School | 608-249-3101 | 2670 Milwaukee St | Madison | WI | 53704 |
James Reeb Unitarian Congrstional | 608-242-8887 | 2146 E Johnson St | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Lakeview Lutheran Church Elca | 608-244-6181 | 4001 Mandrake Rd | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Mad City Church | 608-210-8000 | 2713 E Washington Ave | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Baptist Church | 608-249-0941 | 2323 Portage Rd | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Community 7th Day Adventist C | 608-246-0974 | 1926 Elka Ln | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Mandrake Road Church of Christ | 608-249-8049 | 4301 Mandrake Rd | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Plymouth Congregational | 608-249-1537 | 2401 Atwood Ave | Madison | WI | 53704 |
St Paul Lutheran Church | 608-244-8077 | 2126 N Sherman Ave | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Elca | 608-249-8527 | 1904 Winnebago St | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Vida Nueva Church of the Nazarene | 608-242-1016 | 5011 Commercial Ave | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Wisconsin Synod Madison Office | 608-242-1020 | 2405 Crest Line Dr | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Youth With A Mission | 608-663-1485 | 4802 Dakota Dr | Madison | WI | 53704 |
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