Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Madison, WI 53711
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Madison WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints Church Elca Fitchburg | 608-276-7729 | 2951 Chapel Valley Rd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 608-256-6002 | 1821 Monroe St | Madison | WI | 53711 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 608-276-8001 | 610 S Segoe Rd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church | 608-271-6633 | 5701 Raymond Rd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship | 608-274-9001 | 6400 Schroeder Rd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Madison Chinese Christian Churc | 608-251-2251 | 1510 Madison St | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Midvale Baptist Church | 608-233-5661 | 821 S Midvale Blvd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Midvale Community Lutheran Church | 608-238-7119 | 4329 Tokay Blvd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
New Beginning Alliance Church | 608-288-0797 | 6213 Piedmont Rd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Orchard Ridge United Church of Chris | 608-271-7212 | 1501 Gilbert Rd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Wels | 608-274-6608 | 1701 McKenna Blvd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Second Baptist Church | 608-278-1430 | 1801 Axel Ave | Madison | WI | 53711 |
The Evangelical Catholic | 608-274-5956 | 5129 Flad Ave | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Westminster Presbyterian Ch | 608-238-3121 | 4100 Nakoma Rd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Westwood Christian Church | 608-274-0266 | 5210 Odana Rd | Madison | WI | 53711 |
Zen Affiliate of Madison | 608-255-4488 | 1820 Jefferson St | Madison | WI | 53711 |
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