Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Middleton, WI 53562
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Middleton WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Gateway Community Church | 608-824-1800 | 3510 High Rd | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
Lakeshore Community Church | 608-824-9988 | 3827 Manito Ct | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
Middleton Community Church | 608-831-4694 | 645 Schewe Rd | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
New Life Baptist Church | 608-836-1423 | PO Box 620005 | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
Peace Thru Christ Lutheran | 608-233-2244 | 3232 W Point Rd | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
Sikh Society of Wis Madison | 608-831-9520 | 6970 Century Ave | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
St Andrew Ev Lutheran Church Wels | 608-831-8540 | 6815 Schneider Rd | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
St Bernard's Catholic Church | 608-831-6531 | 2015 Parmenter St | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
St Luke's Lutheran Church Elca | 608-831-6084 | 7337 Hubbard Ave | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
Twin Valley Free Will Baptist Church | 608-824-8995 | 4036 Twin Valley Rd | Middleton | WI | 53562 |
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