Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Stoughton, WI 53589
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Stoughton WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bible Baptist Church of Utica | 608-873-7077 | 2095 County Rd W | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
Bible Baptist Church of Utica | 608-423-3033 | 2095 Highway W | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
Christ Lutheran Church | 608-873-9353 | 924 Ridge St | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 608-877-0439 | 825 S Van Buren St | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
Covenant Lutheran Church | 608-873-7494 | 1525 N Van Buren St | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
First Lutheran Church Elca | 608-873-7761 | 310 E Washington St | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
Good Shepherd by the Lake Lutheran C | 608-873-5924 | 1860 US Highway 51 | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
Mikkelson Phillip Rev | 608-873-6517 | 125 County Road B | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
United Methodist Church of Stoughton | 608-873-3273 | 525 Lincoln Ave | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
West Koshkonong Lutheran Church | 608-873-9456 | 1911 Koshkonong Rd | Stoughton | WI | 53589 |
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