Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Madison, WI 53704
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Madison WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Gospel Church | 608-249-6445 | 5301 Commercial Ave | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Glass Gem The | 608-245-0494 | 1418 Fremont Ave | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-7940 | 4114 Donald Dr | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-2000 | 2421 E Johnson St | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-1600 | 2222 E Washington Ave | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-6500 | 4500 Kennedy Rd | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-6600 | 401 Maple Ave | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-2440 | 1601 N Sherman Ave | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-2100 | 1610 Ruskin St | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-7840 | 4002 School Rd | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-4040 | 1802 Tennyson Ln | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-4360 | 1402 Wyoming Way | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Madison Metropolitan School District | 608-204-4520 | 1502 Wyoming Way | Madison | WI | 53704 |
Sylvan Learning Center | 608-246-9000 | 4522 E Washington Ave Ste 7 | Madison | WI | 53704 |
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