Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Altoona, WI 54720
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Altoona WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aerco Auto Body | 715-834-4515 | 1260 Otter Rd | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Altoona Auto Body | 715-832-2756 | 1528 Spooner Ave | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Arnie's Service Center | 715-832-7754 | 2351 Spooner Ave | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Bothun Chrysler Dodge | 715-833-7760 | 1004 Harlem St | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Earl & Verle Alignment Service | 715-832-1278 | 603 Fairfax St | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Evenson Automotive | 715-833-8600 | 2437 Spooner Ave | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Happy Days Auto Body | 715-834-5013 | 1704 Spooner Ave | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
K & M Storage | 715-836-9509 | 3111 Gloede Ave | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Lyman's Auto Service | 715-835-6800 | 3208 Martin St | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Northside Service | 715-832-3349 | 804 Bartlett Ave | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Stene's Speedometer & Air Conditionin | 715-834-4061 | 3203 Pleasant St | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
Steve's Alternator & Starter Service | 715-832-5502 | 3620 Spooner Ave | Altoona | WI | 54720 |
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