Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Eau Claire, WI 54701
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Eau Claire WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Faith Church | 715-832-9153 | 3431 Fear St | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Bethesda Lutheran Brethren Church | 715-835-5073 | 123 W Hamilton Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 715-839-8053 | 1815 Goff Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Calvary Baptist Church Ofc | 715-832-6363 | 1805 Goff Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Cedarcreek Community Church | 715-835-2790 | 3520 Eastwind Dr | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Chapel Heights United Methodist | 715-832-2333 | 300 E Hamilton Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Christian Science Reading Room | 715-834-1412 | 28 S Barstow St | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Church of Christ | 715-832-5525 | 1701 Goff Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Concordia Lutheran Church Els | 715-834-0921 | 3715 London Rd | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Cornerstone Christian Church | 715-832-4624 | 310 W Polk Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Create A World Pre School | 715-832-7832 | 3214 Golf Rd | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Ellis Richard M Rev | 715-833-1102 | 3439 Hester St | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 715-838-0843 | 502 S Farwell St | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
First Presbyterian Church | 715-832-1011 | 2112 Rudolph Rd | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Harvestime Church | 715-834-4011 | 3231 S Hastings Way | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Hope Gospel Mission Inc | 715-552-5563 | 8 S Farwell St | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Our Savior's Lutheran Church Elca | 715-832-2421 | 1310 Main St | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Peace Lutheran Church | 715-834-2486 | 501 E Fillmore Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Prahl Herbert Rev | 715-834-2595 | 3307 State St | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Rutter Steven Rev | 715-834-4028 | 1915 Hogeboom Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Salem Baptist Church | 715-834-3803 | 1210 E Clairemont Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
St John's Lutheran Church Elca | 715-834-9571 | 1804 Highland Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Tabernacle of Praise | 715-832-3440 | 3445 Gateway Dr | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Trinity Elca Lutheran Church | 715-832-6601 | 1314 E Lexington Blvd | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
University Lutheran Church | 715-834-8026 | 110 Garfield Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Valleybrook | 715-834-9993 | 412 S Barstow St | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
Worldwide Church of God | 715-878-4828 | 6971 Balsam Rd | Eau Claire | WI | 54701 |
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