Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Eau Claire, WI 54703
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Eau Claire WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amy Chapel | 715-874-6815 | E9960 County Rd E | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Ascension Evangelical Lutheran Church | 715-835-5507 | 1500 Peterson Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Bethel Church and Christian Schoo | 715-835-8866 | 2361 N Hastings Way | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Birch Baptist Church Sundy School | 715-838-9269 | 839 Brookline Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Birch St Baptist Church | 715-835-0878 | 3120 Birch St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Campus Crusade for Christ | 715-855-8301 | 125 N Clairemont Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Eau Claire Gospel Center | 715-839-8628 | 1505 Cameron St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Eau Claire Hmong Alliance Church | 715-831-7991 | 1814 Bellinger St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
First Baptist Church | 715-832-0642 | 416 Niagara St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
First Congregational Ucc | 715-834-2668 | 310 Broadway St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
First Lutheran Church | 715-832-8321 | 1005 Oxford Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Grace Lutheran Church Elca | 715-832-9713 | 202 W Grand Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Hallett Timothy A | 715-838-0686 | 1230 Peterson Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Hope Lutheran Church | 715-832-1414 | 2226 Eddy Ln | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Lake Street United Methodist Churc | 715-832-6603 | 337 Lake St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Lutheran Church of Good Sumaritan | 715-834-3317 | 1120 Cedar St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Messiah Lutheran Church | 715-834-2865 | 2015 N Hastings Way | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
North Presbyterian Church | 715-835-5532 | 1516 Birch St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church | 715-835-5239 | 601 Fall St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Pentecostal Assembly | 715-832-2361 | 9 9th Ave | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Pinehurst Lutheran Church | 715-832-7394 | 3304 Fern Ct | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Pinehurst Lutheran Church | 715-834-0251 | 3310 Fern Ct | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Plymouth Congregational Ucc | 715-835-5475 | 2010 Moholt Dr | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
St Olaf Catholic Church | 715-832-2504 | 3220 Monroe St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Truax Congregational United Church O | 715-874-5422 | 1008 50th St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
United Christians Liberty Evangel | 715-834-1903 | 2753 4th St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Unity Christ Center | 715-836-0010 | 1808 Folsom St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
Western Wisconsin Intervarsity | 715-838-8901 | 202 Water St | Eau Claire | WI | 54703 |
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