Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Kenosha, WI 53140
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Kenosha WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Cortese Banquet Hall | 262-553-9469 | 1300 Sheridan Rd | Kenosha | WI | 53140 |
Derango the Pizza King Restaurant | 262-658-8450 | 2135 31st St | Kenosha | WI | 53140 |
Francines Fine Catering | 262-657-1017 | 508 58th St | Kenosha | WI | 53140 |
Lenci Dom H | 262-658-2080 | 2121 45th St | Kenosha | WI | 53140 |
Mac's Deli & Sandwich Shop | 262-654-2065 | 2302 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53140 |
Marina Shore Building | 262-657-1166 | 302 58th St | Kenosha | WI | 53140 |
Polish Legion of American Vetera | 262-652-0337 | 4902 7th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53140 |
Ruffolo International Foods | 262-658-3663 | 4420 Sheridan Rd | Kenosha | WI | 53140 |
Tg's Restaurant & Pub | 262-658-8080 | 4120 7th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53140 |
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