Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Physicians in Kenosha, WI 53143
* Each listing below of Physicians Information for Kenosha WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abbo Katherine M MD | 262-656-8271 | 6308 8th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Advanced Podiatry Group | 262-656-7800 | 7550 22nd Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Azuma Steven MD | 262-657-5177 | 6215 10th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Balciunas Birute Dr | 262-652-6555 | 7533 22nd Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Children's Medical Group | 262-654-8633 | 6213 10th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Chua Janet MD | 262-577-8300 | 955 76th St | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Eldridge E John MD | 262-652-9500 | 1400 75th St | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Kenosha Plastic Surgery | 262-656-8237 | 6308 8th Ave # 104 | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Reinherz Richard Dr Podtrst | 262-654-2801 | 6801 Sheridan Rd | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Southeastern Wisconsin Institute | 262-654-7002 | 6308 8th Ave # 305 | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Thompson Junith MD | 262-657-8360 | 6530 Sheridan Rd Ste 9 | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
Vedder Jeanne MD | 262-657-6577 | 1400 75th St # 4 | Kenosha | WI | 53143 |
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