Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Kenosha, WI 53144
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Kenosha WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Arby's Westport | 262-654-1484 | 3907 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Burger King | 262-652-5924 | 4222 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Compadres Mexican Restaurant | 262-564-0031 | 3935 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Cortes Mexican Restaurant | 262-652-6749 | 4031 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Culver's Frozen Custard Restaurant | 262-652-2002 | 5220 Green Bay Rd | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Felicia's | 262-657-7773 | 4311 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Gateway Cafe | 262-653-1811 | 3619 30th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 262-857-9634 | 10551 120th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
McDonald's Restaurants | 262-658-3839 | 3926 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Red Apple Restaurant | 262-652-7084 | 3314 60th St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Ron's Place | 262-657-5907 | 3301 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Springwood Restaurant | 262-654-3344 | 3707 30th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Star Bar & Restaurant | 262-859-2222 | 2616 120th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Subway Sandwiches and Salads | 262-652-1717 | 3706 30th Ave | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Taco Bell | 262-652-7310 | 4002 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Tacos El Norte | 262-653-1337 | 3450 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburger Resta | 262-656-0079 | 4420 52nd St | Kenosha | WI | 53144 |
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