Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in La Crosse, WI 54601
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for La Crosse WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baus Catering | 608-788-8512 | 1920 Ward Ave | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Big Al's Plzzaria | 608-782-7550 | 115 3rd St S | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Chicago's Beef & Etc | 608-785-1227 | 1203 La Crosse St | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
City Bier Stube | 608-785-4238 | 1111 3rd St S | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Consumer's Bakery & Catering | 608-784-3870 | 133 4th St S | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Coupe's Deli | 608-784-3287 | 620 Cass St | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Culina Mariana | 608-788-8400 | 5250 Justin Rd | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Erbert & Gerbert's | 608-782-5600 | 120 4th St S | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Famous Dave's Bar-B-Que | 608-779-4100 | 3055 State Road 16 | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Hmong Golden Eggrolls | 608-782-0096 | 522 West Ave N | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Kate's on State | 608-784-3354 | 1810 State St | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 608-788-4610 | 3415 Fiesta Ct | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Lindy's Subs & Salads | 608-785-7200 | 221 Main St | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Piggy's of La Crosse | 608-784-4877 | 328 Front St S | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
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