Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Electrical Services in La Crosse, WI 54601
* Each listing below of Electrical Services Information for La Crosse WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Industrial Automation | 608-781-6878 | 214 Vine St | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Mutch Electric | 608-788-3775 | 2721 Ray Pl | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Novak Electric | 608-782-0361 | 1315 Redfield St | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Olson Brothers Electric Inc | 608-788-3202 | 1615 31st Pl S | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Poellinger Electric Incorporated | 608-788-6800 | 5416 33rd St S | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Snider Electric | 608-788-3022 | 217 7th St S | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Stanek E Electric Inc | 608-782-0433 | 424 Jansky Pl | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Tom Roellich Electric | 608-788-0628 | 1905 Weston St | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
Weigel Electric Inc | 608-785-0858 | 317 Kertzman Pl | La Crosse | WI | 54601 |
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