Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Wausau, WI 54403
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Wausau WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Behrendt Photography | 715-842-9358 | 1313 E Bridge St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Christ Lutheran Church Lcms | 715-848-2040 | 1300 Townline Rd | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Christian Assembly Assemblies of G | 715-845-3146 | 400 Grand Ave | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Christian Science Society Wausau | 715-845-5063 | 404 Franklin St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Faith Baptist Church | 715-675-9817 | 201 Broadway Ave | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
First Presbyterian Church | 715-842-2116 | 406 Grant St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Elca | 715-675-1997 | 930 Edgewood Rd | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church Elca | 715-842-3644 | 630 Adams St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Institute of Christ the King | 715-842-9995 | 325 Grand Ave | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Lighthouse Pentecostal Church Upci | 715-845-4722 | 1525 Townline Rd | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Lutheran Churches of Central Wiscons | 715-845-2822 | 2822 6th St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios | 715-842-3450 | 300 3rd St Ste 106 | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Pilgrim Christian Preschool | 715-842-4544 | 709 Weston Ave | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
St John Lutheran Church | 715-842-5212 | E10723 County Road Z | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
St Michael Catholic Church | 715-842-4283 | 611 Stark St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
St Paul's United Church of Christ | 715-842-3733 | 426 Washington St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
St Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church | 715-675-9901 | 7505 N 33rd St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
The First United Methodist Churc | 715-842-2201 | 903 3rd St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Wausau Alliance Church | 715-845-3199 | 2125 Franklin St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Wausau Bible Church | 715-845-2315 | 1300 Grand Ave | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
Zion Lutheran Church Elca | 715-848-7286 | 709 6th St | Wausau | WI | 54403 |
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