Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Milwaukee, WI 53208
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aisha African Hair Braiding | 414-934-9755 | 829 N 27th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Alpha's African Hair Braiding | 414-442-9292 | 4107 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Ambiance Hair Design | 414-442-9050 | 5615 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Amy's Hair Braiding | 414-442-2595 | 3919 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Beauty Max | 414-447-9782 | 3602 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Carolyn's Creations Hair Salon | 414-445-4005 | 2245 N 55th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Creative Impressions Beauty Salon | 414-873-5565 | 5717 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Dep's Hair Gallery | 414-258-4746 | 5628 W Vliet St | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Executive Cuts & Design | 414-442-3334 | 5211 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Fatima's African Hair Braiding | 414-871-8774 | 5617 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Hair by Lauren | 414-443-0667 | 1415 N 60th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Hair by Roz | 414-933-9225 | 825 N 27th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Jane's Professional African Hair Br | 414-449-8994 | 5725 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Maranatha Beauty Salon | 414-449-3633 | 4103 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Oumou Professional Hair Braiding | 414-931-8417 | 3809 W Vliet St | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Showing Off by Hosea | 414-935-9000 | 2742 W Highland Blvd | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Sonyea Hair | 414-871-5419 | 5419 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Split Endz | 414-344-1909 | 3106 W Vliet St | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Texturz Hair Studio | 414-444-4980 | 3829 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Trendsetters Salons Ltd | 414-444-2200 | 4734 W Lisbon Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
Your Family Barber | 414-778-1968 | 5811 W Vliet St | Milwaukee | WI | 53208 |
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