Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Beauty Salons in Milwaukee, WI 53210
* Each listing below of Beauty Salons Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
African Master Braiding | 414-875-8928 | 7159 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Afrosa Braiding and Weaving | 414-873-7023 | 5108 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
All Africa Professional Hair Braiding | 414-445-2000 | 4510 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Best of Both Worlds Beauty Salon | 414-873-4327 | 7139 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Candace's | 414-447-6458 | 5632 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Changing Faces | 414-449-8670 | 5507 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
David's Beauty Salon | 414-871-4575 | 7233 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Deb's Special Image Barber & Beauty | 414-444-2271 | 3623 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Dell's Beauty Salon | 414-447-9926 | 3025 N 35th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Earlean's Beauty Salon | 414-871-1834 | 4927 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
End Zone Barber Shop | 414-431-1586 | 4018 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Family Affair Beauty Salon | 414-873-3500 | 2320 N 48th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Fo Sho Barber & Beauty Salon | 414-873-1402 | 3804 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Forever Yours Hair Designs | 414-873-1616 | 7151 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Hair by Kesha | 414-444-9314 | 4800 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Hair Heaven Hair Supplies | 414-873-4247 | 5301 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Hair Scene on Lisbon | 414-445-6565 | 6602 W Lisbon Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Jj Scott Hair Designs | 414-259-1044 | 7206 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Just Hair & Nail Salon | 414-449-9446 | 5311 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Martha's Hair Skin & Nails Boutique | 414-444-0244 | 4804 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
One Stop Beauty Supply | 414-445-9338 | 5307 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Royal Hair Salon The | 414-442-7577 | 4014 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Safee Salon | 414-445-1672 | 4715 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Scriptures | 414-875-8060 | 5218 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Shiama Professional African Hair Br | 414-344-3380 | 5321 W Lisbon Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Stepping Out | 414-873-1602 | 4901 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Style Masters II | 414-445-9903 | 4508 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Vhd Institute of Cosmetology | 414-445-5545 | 7213 W Burleigh St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
Visions in Hair Design | 414-444-9442 | 5510 W Center St | Milwaukee | WI | 53210 |
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