Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Milwaukee, WI 53202
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Brookfield First United Methodist | 262-786-8310 | 2400 N Brookfield Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Covenant Presbyterian Church O P C | 262-783-7888 | 5900 S Sunnyside Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Crawford Rehab | 262-789-8465 | 405 Fairway Dr | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Grace Lutheran Church Downtown | 414-271-3006 | 1209 N Broadway | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Hales Corners Lutheran Church | 414-529-6700 | 12300 W Janesville Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Immanuel Presbyterian Church | 414-276-4757 | 1100 N Astor St | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Interchange | 414-276-0988 | 130 E Juneau Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Interfaith Conference of Greater Milw | 414-276-9050 | 1442 N Farwell Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Loft Catering | 262-547-2300 | N7w23827 W Bluemound Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Lutheran Orient Mission Society | 414-727-2841 | 1570 N Prospect Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Pre Sc | 262-251-3360 | W156n7149 Pilgrim Rd | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
School Sisters of Notre Dame | 414-220-9828 | 700 E Pleasant St | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
School Sisters of Notre Dame | 414-371-9343 | 7988 N 94 A | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Sisters of Charity of St Joan Antida | 414-276-4173 | 1323 N Cass St | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-483-2145 | 4451 S Kirkwood Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Sixth Church of Christ Scientist | 414-276-5179 | 1036 N Van Buren St | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Summerfield United Methodist Churc | 414-272-2610 | 728 E Juneau Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Vernon Child Development Cen | 262-662-2733 | S71w23280 Natl Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
Waukesha Parochial Schools | 262-547-6720 | 1941 W Madison St | Milwaukee | WI | 53202 |
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