Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Milwaukee, WI 53205
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A D Burns Ministries | 414-562-8767 | 1923 N 12th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 414-342-5333 | 2014 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Bethel Baptist Church | 414-342-6474 | 2030 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 414-342-3585 | 2466 W McKinley Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Blessed Deliverance Missionary Bapt | 414-342-1581 | 2215 N 23rd St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Calvary International Worship Centre | 414-263-3377 | 2122 N Halyard St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Christ Presbyterian Church | 414-933-4887 | 1930 W Walnut St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Church of Christ-Central | 414-265-4100 | 1830 W Monroe St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Clement Memorial | 414-342-9699 | 1400 W Vliet St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Corinth Missionary Baptist Church | 414-933-1987 | 1874 N 24th Pl | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Cross Lutheran Church | 414-344-1746 | 1821 N 16th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Faith Tabernacle Church | 414-264-2813 | 1118 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Friendship Baptist Church | 414-263-6113 | 905 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Goodway Baptist Church | 414-344-1183 | 1734 W Galena St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Greater Faith Church | 414-562-5183 | 1934 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Guiding Light Church | 414-344-1360 | 2235 W Brown St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Holy Mount Carmel Missionary Bapt | 414-344-5361 | 2127 W Garfield Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Holy Temple Firstborn Mbc Missionary | 414-342-2377 | 2423 W Vliet St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Hoover Paul D Pastor | 414-342-1234 | 1235 N 12th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Mt Sinai Community Baptist Church | 414-562-6972 | 1200 W Walnut St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Newport Missionary Baptist Church | 414-265-5881 | 2237 N 11th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Northside Lutheran Ministries | 414-933-9700 | 2533 W North Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Philadelphia Baptist Church | 414-344-2400 | 2033 W Cherry St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
St John's Ev Lutheran Church | 414-263-1616 | 804 W Vliet St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
Unity Gospel House of Prayer | 414-264-4308 | 1747 N 12th St | Milwaukee | WI | 53205 |
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