Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Milwaukee, WI 53207
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Milwaukee WI should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Assembly Pentecostal of Jesus Christ | 414-482-7150 | 2644 S Pine Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Bay View Baptist Church | 414-744-3800 | 3800 S Howell Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Bay View United Methodist Churc | 414-744-4036 | 2772 S Kinnickinnic Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Christ Church-Ucc | 414-481-3530 | 915 E Oklahoma Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Curiosity Corner Nursery School | 414-483-7060 | 2931 S Kinnickinnic Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Faith Builders Ministries | 414-294-3760 | 4901 S Howell Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
I Am Temple | 414-744-8529 | 3208 S Kinnickinnic Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Living Waters Comtemplative L | 414-481-4680 | 125 W Saveland Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Lutheran Chapel of the Cross | 414-481-1880 | 3353 S Whitnall Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Lutheran Church of the Great Spirit | 414-482-1102 | 3127 S Howell Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church | 414-744-2170 | 2015 E Fernwood Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Resurrection Lutheran Church Wels | 414-481-5710 | 213 E Howard Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Sikh Temple of Wis Inc | 414-747-9000 | 441 E Lincoln Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Sisters of Charity | 414-481-8344 | 3233 S Logan Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-482-0325 | 601 E Oklahoma Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-483-7732 | 2909 E Oklahoma Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-483-3809 | 3746 S Kansas Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-744-8793 | 3169 S Superior St | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-481-5425 | 3173 S Superior St | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Sisters of St Francis of Assisi | 414-481-6718 | 3966 S Taylor Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
St Lucas Evangelical Lutheran Church | 414-483-9122 | 648 E Dover St | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
St Lucas Evangelical Lutheran Church | 414-483-8000 | 2605 S Kinnickinnic Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
Unity Ev Lutheran Church | 414-744-6311 | 1025 E Oklahoma Ave | Milwaukee | WI | 53207 |
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